Abu Dhabi
As the estate agents never tire of telling us, one of the many grand things about Fife is its coastline. We have several beautiful beaches within easy reach of our home, a fact which has made the last 9 months just that bit more bearable. In anticipation of yesterday’s Level 4 announcement we tootled off…
Mine of information
Loch Ore on Sunday, this superb local amenity features a circular walk through a variety of ecosystems, including a beach, reed beds, meadow, fields of geese and woodlands. Built on the land reclaimed from coal mining, it’s used for water sports and is the meeting place for the Newfoundland dog group. Wee frog here the…
Mon petit chou
Update 14.05.2020 – Was NO-ONE going to point out the grammatical error in the title? Biggest surprise of this week though was the delivery of advance vegetables, in advance that is by about a week of when they were expected. Nothing daunted*, I have been farming out chunks of cabbage and leek, with some lovely…
Signalling failure
Well, here’s a thing, I thought that the discovery of flat wine bottles was going to be the most amazing find in my week, but no! Scotrail has come to the rescue of those of us who are missing a daily commute, by posting real time films of various journeys. Admittedly there’s a difference since…
Shore thing
January February
Well, January had a lot happening but none of it for recording here, thank you. Went for a walk round Townhill Loch yesterday, after the washing machine was replaced. Sometimes a wee walk and some wildlife makes all the difference. There were loads of birds but mostly they were too fast for the camera operator.
Townhill Loch today. Some bizarre stuff going down, which we assuaged with a nice cup of tea and biscuit.
Aberdour beach just before sunset in February, after a long week at work. Saw this exhibition yesterday, small but interesting (who said eclectic?) collection of paintings by the Glasgow Boys, including Arthur Melville, E A Hornel, George Henry and William J Kennedy. Fife has…
Adj sesquipedal or sesquipedalian (of objects or words) a foot and a half long — of words, very long and pedantic. [L. sesqui — semisque —semis, half a unit, que, and] © Chambers Concise Dictionary 1991 Hello 2018! Woke up with that word floating about my head. I have always liked its rhythm, and I…
After 8 Mince played to raise money for West Fife Guide Dogs on Friday, which was fun, as many of the canine superstars were in attendance, and some even joined in the singing. Here we all are with Innes the puppy, many thanks to Karen Yates for the picture. …