Category: Music

  • Eye wish

    Am currently shopping around for a new pair of spectacles now that my prescription has changed. I cannot believe how much variance there is between shops.  At no time did I ever believe the “get a pair for £50” signs in the window but when you come out of the shop with a quote for…

  • Wedding Preparations

    Crikey, another long day at work. Why does it always crank up so during the middle months of the year?  Anyway, your correspondent was the only one who could do the plank at Pilates tonight.  God knows why, but my back, long the scourge of my existence, seems to have taken on a new life…

  • Happy Easter

    Sitting quietly after an epic day at work, and after a big rehearsal last night.  Wishing you all a happy Easter, hope that everyone has the opportunity to have some me time, along with any family celebrations. Go quietly into that good night. Possibly not the most appposite quote, but that’s the way I am…

  • Shows

    Went to see Jennifer Batten on Friday, at the Inn at Lathones, great wee set up they have there, you can stay in the Inn and walk the 10 yards to the gig.  Admittedly it was 10 yards through the wind and snow, but that just made it all the nicer to arrive. Word of…

  • Busy week

    Been a busy old week, we were at a wedding in Blair Castle last weekend, at which we saw many of the family. Torchwood has been running at 9 p.m. each week night, and miraculously I was only five minutes behind the curve by the end.  Anyone who knows my complete  and total failure to…

  • John Martyn

    Link to one of my favourite John Martyn songs, which has Eddi Reader on backing vocals. She waves about a bit, but you just have to imagine me on the 07:46, listening to this while I read the Hootsmon, and fulminate at the writing therein. Oh, and they can’t spell whisky on YouTube. RIP big…

  • Work, Music

    Back in the harness at work, and having weird dreams. I am into quoting Bare Naked Ladies just now, so it’s “La, la, la, I can’t hear you,” if you have found me from another dimension. It’s been a long week.

  • Elbow

    For some intelligent, rocking, lyric-led music that doesn’t sound like a load of rubbish … and who just happened to win the Mercury Music prize for 2008!!!!!!!!  Ha. Look on my works ye mighty and despair.   Umm, perhaps not.