Beggar’s mantle

If you haven’t already gathered, we live in the Kingdom of Fife, which King James VI described as “beggar’s mantle fringed wi’ gowd”, a reference to the fishing and trading villages of the coast.  Whilst it’s a handy and memorable phrase, especially in terms of the economics prevalent at the time, it has been superseded.  Not minding all that, this morning I found the loveliest interactive map of the Kingdom,  which I hope you can view here.  I know that the artwork should be credited to Wil Freeborn, I came across him when I read that he has designed new info signs for the Glen (Pittencrieff Park) in Dunfermline.

On Wednesday we attended a Pecha Kucha event, the format for which is that speakers have 20 slides to talk about for 20 seconds each, and it was a highly entertaining and informative evening.  It was curated by the team behind excellent Fife blog Avocado Sweet and  their Blueprint Dunfermline initiative.  We heard about the history, care of, and forthcoming changes to, architecturally connected issues.  Not least the new Museum, scheduled to open next year, and an installation of an eclipse in the Free School Close. Other highlights were bumping into Diana, and the picture of the woman hoovering her patio.

After 8 Mince were on the road again after the usual summer hiatus, we had the honour of playing at Henderson House care home yesterday, where a very warm* welcome was received.  They might even have us back!


*we may never play “Scotland’s No A Hot Land” again.  Roasty toasty.

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